About Us


“I have seen my therapist for the past 2 months in an effort to overcome PTSD symptoms. Thanks to her remarkable support, I’ve been successfully coping with long-term unemployment and job search issues. Today I am grateful to announce I start a new position on Monday and have made progress on my personal goals and achievements. Thank You!”

“Without the affordable counseling made possible at Maria Droste Counseling Services, I would probably not be in therapy. It has been too long a road I’ve traveled to end up in another therapists’ office who just doesn’t care.  Maria Droste is a warm, welcoming place. No front desk or glass window to check in, no insurance required, just a group of people who are dedicated to helping people who struggle get well.  I am so grateful.”

“Sometimes life gets challenging and overwhelming, taking a toll on our day-to-day happiness and well-being. Instead of giving up and accepting this as my new normal, I went to Maria Droste. They have been invaluable in equipping me with all of the tools I need to tackle life’s obstacles and to keep my mental health on track.”

“I feel like, for the first time ever, I have control over my life.  I feel that I like myself.”

“You have helped by letting me know I am not alone.”

Sara's Story

“My name is Sara and I am a 25-year-old female with two young children. I began my therapeutic journey at Maria Droste Counseling Services two years ago shortly after my kids and I moved across the country to escape an abusive marriage. Given all of the trauma I had endured, I was very appreciative of Maria Droste’s warm, welcoming, and safe environment. I still remember my first call to the agency requesting help. I spoke with someone who was extremely compassionate and understood my unique needs. I explained that the insurance I carried did not cover mental health and that I could not afford to pay out-of-pocket. The intake specialist informed me about Maria Droste’s sliding scale fee, which enabled me to receive treatment during this very difficult time in my life. She also scheduled me immediately with a therapist who specialized in trauma. Working with someone skilled in this area was my highest priority, as I knew past counseling had not helped. Together, my therapist and I worked on issues that helped strengthen my resolve and to choose a better life not only for myself, but for my children. While my courage and resilient nature got me out of the abusive environment, the therapy helped me stay out! Even though I am still on the path to recovery, I can now say with confidence that we as a family unit are deserving of a loving and safe future. Day by day I am gaining my independence back as I go to school, work, and take care of my beautiful children.”

“Maria Droste Counseling Services has provided me with a safe and friendly environment where I have learned to manage my depression using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). This agency was a refuge for me during my most difficult days. I have been able to steadily work at my own pace, learning the benefits of facing my struggles rather than approaching them with avoidance or denial. I can see all of the good that therapy has done for me and am very pleased with how far I have come. I look forward to continuing to learn and grow, and I know I can do that at Maria Droste.”

“My therapist is excellent, compassionate, and articulate. She has helped me tremendously to sort through my feelings of loss and to develop an action plan. Since I had a limited budget, Maria Droste Counseling Services worked with me on a compassionate level, making services affordable. Thank you to my therapist and to the agency from the bottom of my heart!”

“I’ve been coming to Maria Droste for many years.  I am so grateful for the support and consistent healing it provides my life. My life began somewhat broken and now as I’m aging, it’s becoming harder again. However, other tools which I have, mainly prayer and physical activity, help the body, which helps heal the mind of life stresses!  I have become a more whole person, more confident and more accepting of who I am. The emotional support has helped me trust more, feel loved, accepted and safe.  Gratitude, Gratitude, Gratitude!”

“The past few years have been challenging between running and moving a business, caring for my children, divorcing their father, and still trying to work forward to a new chapter with more love, cooperation, and companionship. My therapist has been there through the good and the bad, keeping me grounded and looking forward. A real blessing!”

“Therapy has really helped me understand where my life has been and where it is headed.”

“Wonderful place of support, peace, and healing.”

“I need Maria Droste Counseling Services. Thank God!”

“This has been by far the most unbelievable healing experience of my life. I am so very fortunate to have found Maria Droste Counseling Services. It has changed and saved my life!”

“My therapist has literally changed my life.  If it wasn’t for her, my past would feel unhealed.  Thank you.”

“You can do nothing better because it is perfect.”

“My counselor has given me the tools to find my inner strengths and live each day one step at a time.”

"When I first met my therapist I was really struggling.  After my first session I knew this was a person I could confide in and trust.  Her insight, understanding and ability to make me feel that I was in a "safe place" made it easy to be open and honest.  My therapist was a key factor in making it through a difficult time and I will always be grateful for that."

“The services at Maria Droste helped change my life for the better!“