Maria Droste Counseling Services Presents
Compassion in Every Step
May 1, 2024 | 6:00 p.m.
Granite Links, Quincy, MA
Event Information

Compassion Sponsor: $25,000

Mindfulness Sponsor: $20,000

Wellness Sponsor: $15,000

Hope Sponsor: $10,000

Healing Sponsor: $5,000

Serenity Sponsor: $2,500

Friend of MDCS Sponsor: $1,000

Fund A Session
To take full advantage of all sponsorship amenities, we ask that commitments be made as soon as possible, with a minimum of two weeks before the event.
Event Speakers

Katherine Koh, MD MSc

Nieisha Deed
Please complete the sponsorship form below. You may pay securely online via credit card or by check.
If paying by check, please complete the form and send your check made payable to:
Maria Droste Counseling Services, Inc.
1354 Hancock St., Suite 214
Quincy, MA 02169
Attn: Stacey Campbell
(617) 617-471-5686 x201
For more information, please contact Kelly Banks at or (617) 471-5686 x405
Maria Droste Counseling Services is a publicly supported non-profit organization as described is Section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.